Interviews Omind


Omind Neurotechnologies -
Unleash human potential

Interview with Catherine Guyonnet - RHaps'Ode

Omind & GRF

Webinar "Global crises": Anticipate and act

Webinar " Women's leadership " :
Myth or reality?

Interview with Karine Duquesne
Leo Pharma France

Interview with Olivier Guiraud
Performance among pro athletes

"The Future of Talent Development"

Omind in Bel et Bien
Replay France 2

Webinar "The body and emotions
in post COVID performance"

Neuromanagement :
Cedric DUFOUR's experience (RAKUTEN)

Meetup: The Digital Revolution
at the service of the brain?

OMIND-Logo blanc

We combine the knowledge and know-how of psychology, video games and neuroscience to design innovative tools for a more human and more efficient company.