Bar’Omind performance and well-being: retrospective analysis and forecast

Learner engagement, innovation and adaptability, performance: how can you fine-tune your HR & training actions?

Following our first impact study on executive performance and mental health post-COVID in 2021, we have just released two years later our barometer on the linked evolution of behavioral skills and mental well-being indicators since 2020.

This study analyzed the scientific data of 355 individuals from homogeneous samples of our research database. The database anonymously consolidates the data of people supported by the Omind Neurotechnologies in-company training programs on managerial and behavioral skills.

Discover 4 key facts on performance and mental well-being since the pandemic, to guide your HR actions and boost your company’s human potential!

    BarOmind performance & wellbeing cover

    Check out our first impact study on the performance and mental health of post-COVID executives in the workplace.

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