Hybrid work, instability and uncertainty, new employee expectations… Managerial models have undergone profound changes in recent years. Top managers are increasingly embracing emotional skills to boost collective performance and develop ‘leadership from the heart’. LEADERSHIP FROM THE HEART: human, empathetic and cooperative. According to an MIT¹ neuroscientific study (Woolley et al., 2010), investing €1 in collective intelligence generates 5X MORE ROI than recruiting new expertise or developing hard skills.
But in practice… How well do your executives master these key emotional skills? We have analyzed the data from the serious neuroscientific games our customers have developed as part of their Omind programs, and measured their behaviors in terms of OF EMPATHY, COLLABORATION AND EMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION.. Discover our exclusive results.
Despite a growing awareness in recent years of the importance of a people-centred leadership model, a recent study by BCG² study showed that organizations still focus mainly on strategic qualities (69%) and execution skills (44%), to the detriment of human qualities (25%).
However, the companies that invest equally in these three qualities have nearly 3X more likely to sustainably improve their performance. Today, we need to focus on developing ‘leadership from the heart’, considered by employees to be a key characteristic of a good leader (37% ).
“Emotional skills are still undervalued in corporate leadership and managerial reference frameworks, even though we’ve seen a shift since 2020. Hybrid work and talent retention issues explain this recent shift.
More specifically, the competence of EMPATHY has traditionally been overlooked as a sign of weakness. In times of crisis, it’s a major lever of performance in customer relations and employee commitment, which we need to seize! “
Empathy, collaboration, emotional communication: results to discover ⬆
3 best practices to adopt :
- OBSERVE BEFORE SPEAKING : To develop a real connection with your interlocutor and encourage collective intelligence, it’s important to wait 30 seconds or so before speaking. The aim: to better adapt your speech and create synergies.
- CLARIFY EXPECTATIONS AND COMMUNICATE, especially when you feel wronged. It’s the first step towards helping the other person better understand your point of view.
- SHARE EMOTIONS: Prioritize seeking emotional support over seeking instrumental support, which is richer in information⁴. For example, ask for your colleagues’ opinions and support in your missions. This will strengthen bonds in the team and boost performance. After all, strong bonds count 20X more than weak ties in collective performance⁵!
At Omindwe have developed three offers combining neuroscience, virtual reality and serious games to raise awareness, train and support your managers, leaders and employees in human skills.
¹ Woolley, A. W., Chabris, C. F., Pentland, A., Hashmi, N., & Malone, T. W. (2010). Evidence for a collective intelligence factor in the performance of human groups. science, 330(6004), 686-688.
² BCG study, 2021. Human-centered leaders are the future of leadership.
³ Microsoft’s Human Factors Lab (2021). Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks: New options help you carve out downtime between meetings. Work Trend Index Special Report
⁴ De Montjoye, Y. A., Stopczynski, A., Shmueli, E., Pentland, A., & Lehmann, S. (2014). The strength of the strongest ties in collaborative problem solving. Scientific reports, 4(1), 1-6.
⁵ De Montjoye, Y. A., Stopczynski, A., Shmueli, E., Pentland, A., & Lehmann, S. (2014). The strength of the strongest ties in collaborative problem solving. Scientific reports, 4(1), 1-6.