formation Commerciaux


The Omind approach for your sales representatives and customer service managers

You want to develop your sales representatives’ resilience so that they are 100% on target?

Would you like to boost your sales and after-sales teams’ ability to deal with sometimes insistent customer requests?

formation commerciaux Omind
During your sales seminars, dare to make your sales reps aware of their hidden levers of action. Allocate part of the agenda to experiential workshops on subjects at the heart of their performance in customer relations: energy management, empathy…
formation commerciaux Omind
coach ordi formation commerciaux
Through individual self-awareness in a short format (from 2h30 remotely), help them identify new levers of emotional and relational intelligence to perform better in their jobs: self-compassion, time organization, conflict management…

Download our "Emotional intelligence - Neuroscience and experience
to enhance human skills" training plan.

Intelligence Émotionnelle

What does the Omind sales training program have to offer?


of sales performance = emotions!

of sales performance
= emotions!

performance des ventes

Presenting a product sales pitch, questioning customer needs, organizing your time… These are all skills that you come back to time and time again in seminar after seminar. Yet Omind measures that 61% of all sales representatives’ performance issues are emotional: managing stress in front of a customer, developing empathy…. Put these fundamentals back in place to better tackle good sales practices.

performance des ventes
fidélisez vos talents commerciaux avec Omind


of your talents demand more: build loyalty!

of your talents demand more: build loyalty!

fidélisez vos talents commerciaux avec Omind

A sale representative who leaves for the competitor’s business represents a loss of 3 to 4 times his or her annual salary. Yet 71% of Omind learners give top priority to being better and more effective on a daily basis: letting go, better time management… By integrating these objectives, you’ll be responding to this demand which is now unavoidable.

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You are interested in our program and would like to develop your sales training program in an innovative way? Leave us your contact details and we’ll get back to you shortly.

OMIND-Logo blanc

We combine the knowledge and know-how of psychology, video games and neuroscience to design innovative tools for a more human and more efficient company.